Representing a graph using adjacency matrix

Jaison 5:18 AM
Graphs are useful tools for visualizing or representing real world problems, but in order to use graphs for computing problems, we need to represent a graph in a programming paradigm. The most common form of representing a graph in programming terms is using adjacency matrices. Consider this simple non directed graph.

we can represent the vertices and edges using a 2 dimensional Boolean array.
As we have 5 vertices in the above graph namely A,B,C,D and E
the array will be a 5x5 matrix.

lets initialize the array as:

boolean arr[5][5];

let us assume i and j as the starting and ending vertex.

if arr[i][j]=true, that means there is a connection from i to j.

as it is a non directed graph we assume that

if arr[i][j]=true then arr[j][i] is also true;

the matrix for the above graph will look like this:

     A B C D E

  A 0  1 1  0 1     

  B 1 0  0  1 1    

  C 1 0  0  0 0

  D 0 1  0  0 0

  E 1 1  0  0 0


So the array can be initialized as:

int arr[5][5]= {{0,1,1,0,1},


Similarly a weighted and or directed graph can also be represented in a similar manner, but the difference is that instead of Boolean values, the matrix will hold the weights. lets take an example to explain how a directed and weighted graph can be represented using adjacency matrix.

 The adjacency matrix for the above graph will look like this

            Bob   Alice   Charlie
Bob       0        0          10
Alice     20      0           5
Charlie  0       0           0

So the array can be initialized as:

int arr[3][3]= {{0,0,10},

This is how different types of graphs are represented using an adjacency matrix. Once we are able to represent a graph in a matrix format, the programming part becomes easy. Once we have the adjacency matrix we can apply different algorithms to identify the properties of a given graph.

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